
Today I would love to share some of my favorite hosted websites that I frequently visited to read many of good stuffs happening around the world. Basically, there are many types of websites available out there that can help you to relax a bit, have a good read and sometimes laugh to, might as well helping you to sharpen your knowledge and sensibility too. It just a matter of luck and effort. By the way, I'm not gonna list down according to the best to the worst or vice versa, I just plainly list it from 1 to 5 with none remark which one is the best and so on. They are all great. Honest.
So, here they are,
One thing that stood out about this website is that, just like the name, it really stumble you a good pages from any websites all over the net to you according to your interest! Interesting isn't? You can read/watch/listen and probably draw? anything which I believe can give you excitement and thrill discovering many things without digging too much into it and if you don't prefer their choices that much, you can easily skips to the next one anytime.
Through this website, you can discover many questions from many people from every crook of the world according this and that, literally almost everything along with answers from society too. You can also join this website and share as many dilemmas or questions anonymously here, trust me you can get very broad opinions form people here and there to help you. Of course, you can participate in answering questions people put up here too. Cool right?
If you are a fan of funny, artsy and wonder stuffs, you might want to check bored panda out. There's many articles, probably randomly written by authorize authors for you here. Besides that, this website is quite happening and colourful unlike the previous two. As I mention previously, yes, the artsy part, here you can discover many indies talent in photograph and all that related to it.
However, if you are in the mood of heavy read and nerve cell connected kinda read, you just pick a good website. With tonz of good written articles about facts and news happening in the real world by good authors, this website won't let you down. You might as well finding stuffs related to your study here and of course, free to use it as a reference. Definitely a good source for you to have a leisure reading and who knows, might really helping you in doing your assignments.
Hehe, just kidding.
Good night people,