
Mid term break just begun few days ago so here I am writing from home, man this feels great.
So, how's degree life been treating me so far? Here let me break it down for ya.
1. As the oldest in my class, I kind of having hard times to really like relate with those kids in my class. They are majority 19-21 years old, while me, the mak cik one is 23 years old lol. Of course, blame me for not studying much earlier. I mean, I like my classmates, they all lovely people for sure. However, their energy, spirit, enthusiasm and anything equivalence.....Too much for me to handle sometimes 😂 Not that I'm complain, I'm just saying that it's definitely gonna take time for me to adjust myself among those youngsters because honestly I feel very old and.....old when I am with them. SOS
2. TESL is on another level compared to when I studying MASSCOMM in my diploma years eventhough both courses I took were under the same university. Major reason - TESL is under Faculty of Education which very strict with their rule and regulation. For example, lectures here in this faculty are so aware of punctuality and presence of their students. Meanwhile, in my diploma years, they be like, " You come or not to class, it's your problem. I don't care." Feels like I'm back to school here lol. Well, as the pride of student under the Faculty of Education, you have to be the very best version of yourself before you dare to teach people in any institutes one day, isn't?
3. So far, I'm really fall in love with this place. The vibe, the challenge, the people, the library, the food. I love and cherish them all. I am so excited to get through this semester with flying colours and strive harder for the incoming next level, InshaAllah.
P/s : My eye sight is getting worser day by day, when I do the checkup, I've been told that I need to ear glasses asap or else I will not able to concentrate in class no more. Gosh, I hate wearing that thing on my face. I guess that's another challenge for me to survive here in my late bloomer degree life.
I want to write a bit longer than this, I actually planned the draft and stuffs but since I am at home right now, well, you know aite. Hihi. Anyhow, I'm gonna write the continuation from this entry probably at the end of the semester, so
Adios, see you later!