How's everyone catching up with life?
As for me, I am quite restless for the whole week and possibly thing gonna be the same next week. Sigh.
I got upcoming three presentations (Linguistic, philosophy and Literature) and two tests (Counseling and Literature) next week which will begin exactly two days from now.
Anyway, lets take a deep breath and keep calm. Every students experienced this right? So am I. I decided to embrace the moment and do my best. InshaAllah.
Back to the real topic, have you guys watching Stranger Things before? If you haven't heard about it before, Stranger Things is an American science fiction-horror web television consist of 8 episodes on Netflix. I am such a huge fan of this series! Which the main reason I was so happy yesterday that Stranger Things finally on air for Season 2 after a year!!
But of course, I haven't got time to watch it real time as I have meeting and stuff to do, so please no spoiler brat here,there and everywhere pleaseeee.
After I'm done with my assignments (yeah when lol), I'm gonna dig in this new season of Stranger Things and have the best time of my life!!
May my presentations went well,
May my interview went good,
May my tests went amazing,
May Stranger Things Season 2 will be whole lot better than the 1st one if not the same,
Pray for this girl guys,

tak pernah tengopk series ni. Tengok review orang macam best :D